Building & Maintaining your own Classroom Library First starting out teaching, it can be hard to acquire a whole collection of books to create a class library. Don't worry! Definitely don't go out and spend your life savings on all new books. There are easier and cost efficient ways to acquire a classroom library in a short amount of time. Some tips I would suggest for starting your collection is to check out yard sales where you can get books for a quarter or less. Also, post on social media that you are in need of a wide range of children's books and see if any of your family and friends are willing to donate or sell their old books to you for a decent price. Keep collecting books and your library will grow more and more each year. Even reach out to parents and see if they are able to donate any books to their child's classroom. Parents love to help out! *If you want some great children's book recommendations and lesson ideas to go along with them, ...
Technology Tips & Tricks If your school is fortunate to have technology available for your classroom, then please keep reading for some helpful organization tips. If you have desktop computers or laptops, I would set up a station where students can access these technologies with seating available. Stools are great-and low cost! If you use certain websites like Epic! (great tool for reading!) then you will need to give your students a login and password. To make your job and the kids jobs a little easier, a great simple idea is to purchase a few stand up whiteboard displays like the ones pictured below. Write down the password so that students don't have to ask you what the password is a million times or lose the paper that it was written down on. Now if your class has iPads or tablets available, I like to store these in a bin and I would definitely recommend getting protective cases for these as unfortunately kids DO break things! I would also like to share a few apps...