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Class Jobs

Assigning students new classroom jobs each week not only helps you keep your classroom tidy and in order, but the kids absolutely love to help out their teacher. My students look forward to doing their jobs at the end of each school day. A great tip is to display classroom jobs in a cute way like this clothesline display. Super easy to do! All you need is some string and some mini clothes pins. Create cards for each job however you like and then just print out each child's name. This display makes it super easy to rotate jobs each week by simply moving the names on the cards over one. This makes it easy to change jobs and it is also fair because this way students will eventually get to do each job on your list. It is also a great idea to keep jobs on display because kids are often forgetful and if they forget their job, they won't have to bother you about it they can just check the door! Another helpful piece of advice is to always stay consistent with classroom jobs and maintain your system. For example, do not let another child pass out papers if you have an assigned paper passer. Trust me, the kids will know and get upset if others do their job! The best part is deciding what you want your class jobs to be. I recommend making a list of potential jobs then making a list of your students. Match up one job to each student. You could even assign two students the same job if it is a bigger task. Be creative and have fun with it. Make a cute title for your display, like "Helping Hands." Students learn responsibility every day by practicing caring for classroom materials and keeping the classroom tidy.


  1. Nice, I always had a job board, but just moving one over makes it very simple... now if the clothesline rotated...then how easy!


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